


此时此刻, 公用事业部门没有能力允许客户在网上更改地址. 请在您的账单存根正面的方框上(填写优惠券背面)注明更改地址的信息或写上, 把地址更改传真或电话到我们的办公室.

此时此刻, 公用事业部门没有允许客户在网上更改姓名的能力. 名称变更证明, 比如结婚证书的复印件, 死亡证明或离婚令, 必须附有更改姓名的要求吗. 这可以通过电子邮件发送给我们 CCUSupport@CharlotteCountyFL.政府; faxed to our office at 941.764.4557或邮寄到我们的办公室P.O. 佛罗里达州蓬塔戈尔达516000号包厢33951.

Due to budget constraints, we have discontinued return envelopes.

是的,你必须参加我们的 eBill服务.

You can cancel or update your automatic payment by logging into the eBill服务. Once you are logged in, select Setup and then Automatic 支付ments to make your changes. 请注意,如果您在电子账单中更改付款方式,您还需要更新任何未来计划付款的付款信息.请致电941与水务署联络.764.4300求助.


我的账单似乎很高. 水费和下水道费是多少?
有关公用事业帐单及收费,请浏览我们的 现行费率表.

The $45 charge is a one-time charge to have the account set up, 让一个公共事业部门的代表到你家开水或读电表并生成第一份账单.

Yes, provided you telephone our office before your “Urgent Notice” has expired. When financial hardships occur, we can offer the owner a payment extension. 然而,这不会使该账户免于滞纳金罚款或对财产的留置权. 请致电941与水务署联络.764.4300.

Why must I pay monthly charges even when I’m not using any water?
公用事业署的差饷安排是让每个客户公平分担提供水及污水收集服务的固定及非变动成本. Many of those costs continue even when the water is not being used. These and other fixed operating costs are covered by the Base Facility Charge. 当不使用水和废水收集服务时,与实际用水有关的可变成本就停止了.

你的仪表被读取并以数千加仑为单位计费. If the household activity does not change from month to month, 用法相同是很正常的. You are billed for the actual usage in thousands of gallons and not the hundreds.


如何 do I transfer residential service from one address to another?
现有住宅物业的转让可通过电话、传真、电子邮件完成. 请提供以下资料:
  • 当前地址/账号
  • 账户持有人姓名
  • 新物业地址
  • Telephone number where you can be 联系ed during regular business hours
  • 最后帐单的邮寄地址
  • 保证契约副本
  • 新业主名称
  • 物业截止日期


我把房子卖了. 你需要什么信息?
​The 公用事业部门 needs the closing date on the home; the name and address of the new owner; a copy of the Warranty Deed after closing and your final billing address. 如事先通知水务署,则须在物业过户当日抄表, 或者在下一个工作日.

I just purchased a property and need the water turned on.
Please help us by providing the following information:
  • 物业地址
  • 财产转让日期
  • 保证契约副本
  • 你以前在我们公司服务过吗
  • 家庭电话号码
  • 商务电话号码
  • 帐单邮寄地址

住宅物业的业主对自所有权之日起生效的公用事业部门的账单负责. Whether the owner notifies ​the 公用事业部门 of the change, or as soon as ​the 公用事业部门 is aware of a change in ownership, we will transfer the account to the new owner's name and monthly bills will begin. ​The 公用事业部门's bills base charges monthly whether services are used or not. 及时通知所有权变更和支付账单将减少罚款和杂费的可能性.

What documentation is needed for a change in ownership to occur?
​Either the buyer and/or seller must inform ​the 公用事业部门 of:
  • 房屋的截止日期,
  • 新业主的姓名和地址,
  • 如果新主人和我们合作过,
  • 新主人的电话号码,
  • 新主人的电子邮件地址,
  • A copy of the Warranty Deed or signed settlement agreement after closing,
  • 卖方的最终帐单地址.


我租了一间房子,需要把水打开. 我该怎么办??
账户必须保留在房主名下. We will need to hear from the owner of the property or the rental agent. 请致电941与水务署联络.764.4300.

Charlotte County 公用事业公司 only recognizes the owner on a bill. 无论谁住在房子里,业主都要对水电费负责. 每个帐户最多一份纸质账单,业主必须以电子方式或通过邮件支付账单. 

截至5月1日, 2024, 澳门正规网赌网址大全公用事业公司(Charlotte County 公用事业公司)已经停止了让租户收到房主每月账单的礼貌性副本的选择. Bills will be sent to the Charlotte County 公用事业公司 account holder.

系统维护 & 维修

我的表盖坏了. 我该联系谁??
请致电941与水务署联络.764.4300. To expedite your request, please have the following information available:
  • 的地址
  • 账号
  • 您的姓名和电话号码

Who is responsible for damaged water meter boxes and meters?
公用事业部门 field personnel repair or replace boxes, lids and meters. 然而, 任何对公用事业部门的仪表或设备的故意损坏都将按照佛罗里达州法令812进行处理.14.

我正在安装一个游泳池. 我必须支付废水和水费吗?
为了在澳门正规网赌网址大全创造一个有利的商业环境,促进良好的社区关系, 澳门正规网赌网址大全公用事业公司将允许客户在每个日历年免除一次高用电量. The owner, or their authorized representative, must complete an Owner Adjustment Request form 为了得到一个调整. For additional information regarding our Adjustment Policy, 请致电941与水务署联络.764.4300.

Can I rent a meter to attach to a fire hydrant so I can fill my pool?
​No. Hydrants are primarily for the purpose of providing fire protection. 消火栓水表用于建筑工地的临时供水,以避免在临时供水时动用总水管的费用. The contractor is billed for all water usage in this situation.

这是我们换行程序的一部分. 特别是在人口稀少的地区, 我们必须定期冲洗配电系统,以清洁输电线路中的水,并在饮用水中保持适当的消毒水平.


公用事业部门提供给客户的饮用水中大约95%是从和平河/马纳索塔地区供水管理局(PR/MRWSA)购买的。. PR/MRWSA从和平河提取地表水,并在位于德索托县国王高速公路上的水处理设施进行处理. The plant is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by state-licensed operators.

澳门正规网赌网址大全公用事业公司的反渗透水处理设施为该地区的公用事业部门客户提供服务, located on Burnt Store 路 near the Charlotte/Lee County line. 在烧过的仓库, groundwater is drawn from brackish wells and treated with reverse osmosis technology.

是的. 建议您在使用前冲洗家中的每个水装置(包括淋浴器)大约五分钟. 家里的死水可能含有较高水平的军团菌和其他病原体. 

​Charlotte County 公用事业公司 routinely monitors for constituents in your 饮用水, 根据联邦和州法律. 公用事业部门的员工工作很努力, 一周七天,一天24小时, 为您的家人提供干净, 可靠的, 饮用水, 每一天. For information on the content and quality of your 饮用水, 参考公用事业部门的年度报告 水质报告.

你给我的饮用水消毒了吗? 如何?
是的. 如果您使用的是PR/MRWSA,我们会使用氯和氨的混合物(氯胺)。. 如果您使用的是烧库反渗透(RO)水处理设施(WTF),我们会使用氯. Both disinfectants are widely used methods and are approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

​Before calling our office, please check to see if any of the following apply:
  • 检查室阀是否部分关闭
  • 如果水压被隔离到房子的一个部分,这可能是房子的问题.
  • If you have a water softener, try turning on the bypass
  • 检查水龙头的屏幕
  • See if your neighbors are also experiencing low pressure

There are regional differences in water taste, depending on the water source. 新客户可能会发现公用事业部门的水尝起来和他们习惯的自来水不一样. 某些药物也可能改变水的味道. 有时, 你可能会闻到一股轻微的霉味,这是由皮斯河偶尔的藻类繁殖引起的, 但是水可以安全饮用. Laboratory analyses are conducted daily to ensure the safety of your 饮用水. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅我们的年报 水质报告.

Odors can also be caused by sediment in your household plumbing, particularly in fixtures that are used only infrequently. Draw a glass of water and take it outside, away from the source, before smelling it. If the glass has no odor, the problem is likely coming from the drain. 试着把一满瓶含氯漂白剂倒进下水道. Wait a few minutes and run the water briefly to flush the drain.

If you still have taste or odor any concerns, 联系 the 公用事业部门 at 941.764.4300

​水 temperature at the tap is affected by environmental factors, 比如气候, 因此, tap water in Florida can never be as cold as tap water in northern climates. If you prefer your water cold, you can refrigerate containers of water.

突然出现的水质问题可能是由于断行或例行的系统冲洗引起的. If only the hot water is affected, your water heater may be the cause. 为了缓解这种情况,请按照制造商的说明冲洗热水器. If needed, a 公用事业部门 technician can check the water at your property. 请致电941与公用事业部门联系.764.4300.

无论您是由烧毁的商店RO WTF提供服务,还是从PR/MRWSA购买水, the 公用事业部门 does not add fluoride to your 饮用水. 然而, 氟化物是一种天然存在的化学物质,从岩石和土壤的分解中,在和平河和燃烧储存的水中发现了可接受的水平. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅我们的年报 水质报告.

What causes water spots on my glassware and silverware?
​水 spots are caused by calcium carbonate, which is naturally occurring in water. 这就是水“硬”的原因."

What is the average hardness of Charlotte County's water?

  • 软水低于17mg/l
  • 微硬17- 60毫克/升
  • 中等硬度60- 120mg /l
  • 硬120-180毫克/升
  • 非常硬,180 + mg/l


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